Fee Structure
For 3 Months 999 INR
For 6 Months 1899 INR
For 12 Months 35999 INR
If Paying for Two Years Discounted Fee 65000

Fee Structure
For 3 Months 13499 INR
For 6 Months 25499 INR
For 12 Months 37499 INR
If Paying for Two Years Discounted Fee 70000

Fee Structure
For 3 Months 13499 INR
For 6 Months 37499 INR
If Paying for Two Years Discounted Fee 70000

Fee Structure
For 3 Months 9999 INR
For 6 Months 18999 INR
For 12 Months 35999 INR
If Paying for Two Years Discounted Fee 64999

Fee Structure
Per Session 700 INR
Minimum Advance Payment of 25 session 17499 INR
If Paid 50 session discount is applicable Fee will be 29999 INR

Fee Structure
550 per session Minimum 20 session payment should be taken 10999 INR Discounted
If Paid 45 session Discount of 10% will be given
Fee for Meditation Course
3 Months 7499
6 Months 14499