Happy to announce Sankalp lecture-demonstration & performance by Pt.Ashim Chowdhury on 2nd August 2020 at 6:00 pm IST The subject is “How to get essence of raag and play gayaki ang on instrument” “राग का सौंदर्य व उसकी गायकी व गायकी अंग से राग का वादन” this lecture- Demonstration and performance is orgnized by Veena venu art foundation under online paid concert series for the welfare of artists. This is an online event and will get conducted on zoom and facebook. *Registration amount is 650 INR only for Indian origin students and Indian citizens , for foreign students & citizens it is 12.4 USD only . You can join for performance only which is 299 for Indians and Indian citizens, for foreign students and citizens 8 USD.*
Contact +91 9833703592/9004911681 for details or info@veenavenuartfoundation. com
Payment Info:
Name- Radhika Budhkar
Account Number- 095601505175
IFSC code -ICIC0000956
Account type – Saving
Bank/Branch – ICICI
Aashapura dham
Navi Mumbai Branch
Or pay by phone pay at 9833703592